change your diet with this one teeny tiny ingredient
by team nuut

With a change of season, we are revisiting fail-safe ingredients that are highly useful and make us feel good too. One of our favourites is the oldest form of nutrition, chia seeds, that come from salvia hispanica, a pretty blue flowering mint plant native to parts of Mexico and Guatemala.
Super subtle in taste, chia seeds are all about their texture and ability to absorb a huge amount of liquid—up to 10 times their dry weight—swelling into miniature tapioca-like balls. Because of their absorption superpowers, never consume chia seeds dry as they will soak up the moisture in your gut. It’s safer to enjoy them in a smoothie or food instead.
Each serving is packed with 4 grams of protein and 11 grams of fiber. Super dense in nutrients compared to other foods, chia seeds contain fibre, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids that help slow digestion and a subsequently steady stream of energy.
They also contain key minerals like calcium and magnesium, as well as all nine essential amino acids, that are the muscle-building protein building blocks our bodies need but don't produce naturally.
Dry chia seeds are perfect for adding to smoothies and juices, yogurt, energy bars, grain bowls and oatmeal. Our favourite way to use Chia seeds is blended into a nuut or as the star of a pudding. Simply mix a quarter cup of the seeds in one cup of liquid. Once the seeds have swelled up and the mixture is no longer watery, the pudding is ready to eat. This can take as little as 15 minutes, although chia pudding keeps well in the fridge for several days. Boost flavour tinkering with spices, nuts, dates, and honey or hydrate in yogurt or cashew cream, for a more plump and silky texture.
Look for seeds that are speckled black or white, but not uniformly brown that are immature seeds with fewer nutritional benefits and have a bitter taste. Chia seeds have a long shelf life and will keep for several years when stored in a cool, dry place.
Want to chia up? Try these three nuuted recipes packed full of chia goodness.
nuut chia pudd
1/2 cup chia seeds
chocolate chia shake
1 cup almond milk
choc chia and oat breakfast bowl
1/3 cup chia seeds