how to keep your gut microbiome happy & healthy

by team nuut

it's no myth - your gut health is connected to everything. a healthy gut microbiome, (the trillions of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and archaea that live in our large intestine), impact everything from chronic disease risk and weight management to mental and digestive health.

luckily, some simple daily measures can keep your gut health happily in check:

eat more plants

just as a healthy ecosystem is rich in plant diversity, a healthy and resilient gut microbiome that encompasses a variety of microorganisms with unique roles is diverse too. one of the best ways to increase the diversity of your gut microbiome is to eat a wide and colourful variety of whole-plant foods. aim to include at least two in every meal. if you find eating fruit and veggies a challenge, broaden your palate by adding one to two new plant varieties to your shopping trolley each week, and try different seasonal produce at your local farmer's market. start your day (as always) with a plant-filled nuut (we love supping ours with cauliflower, avocado, bananas and berries), snack on nuts and seeds, and add beans and legumes to your nightly meals for a diverse and happy gut microbiome.

log more fermented foods

fermented foods are produced with the help of microorganisms, like bacteria and yeast, and act as a natural probiotic supplement, populating the gut with beneficial microbes. fermented things like kimchi, tempeh, kombucha, and sauerkraut are brilliant for helping your digestive system thrive. not only are fermented foods made from nutrient-dense plant foods like soybeans, cabbage, and tea, they contain commensal microbes that help promote a diverse and healthy gut microbiome. try adding a spoonful to a wholemeal wrap, a salad or as a side dish. you can do it!

ramp up the fibre

fibre keeps your bowels moving and your digestive system running like clockwork. insoluble fibre sweeps the gut lining and helps bulk up stools, making them easier to pass, while soluble fibre forms a gel that hydrates them. aim for 25 to 38 grams daily by adding fibre-rich foods to your diet like sweet potatoes, spinach, beets, carrots, fennel, wholegrains, apples, bananas, berries, dried fruit, and bran.

hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

our digestive system needs clean drinking water to filter waste out of our bodies, making hydration critical in keeping you regular. if your body is dehydrated, it slows down elimination to retrieve more fluid from the stool, leading to constipation. when you eat more fibre, you need to drink more water as fibre is thirsty and needs water to do its job. aim to drink eight glasses daily and check the colour of your urine; if it's pale yellow, consider yourself hydrated (and a legend).

stress less

research shows anxiety and depression can impact the gut, increasing the risk of ibs, which can cause mental health disorders. decreasing your stress levels can reduce uncomfortable symptoms and get your body back in balance. squash stress by adding at least 30 minutes of exercise to your day, practising breath work, and spending more time in nature than on your phone. not only will you will be increasing the quality and quantity of health-boosting gut microbes, you will feel so much more relaxed as a result. it’s a win win!