Soba Noodles with Edamame & Miso

by team nuut

½ cup frozen shelled edamame
3 ounces uncooked soba noodles
½ cup sliced snow peas – thinly sliced vertically
1 tbsp dark sesame oil
1 tbsp rice vinegar
½ tbsp reduced salt soy sauce or tamari
½ tbsp yellow miso
1 tsp organic maple syrup
1 tsp grated peeled fresh ginger
1 cup red cabbage, very thinly sliced
½ cup green onions – thinly sliced
1 large carrots – peeled and shaved into ribbons
¼ cup fresh coriander leaves (optional) 
What to do:
1. Bring a large saucepan of water to a boil. Add edamame and soba noodles; cook 2 minutes.

2. Add snow peas; cook 1 minute or until noodles are tender.

3. Drain and rinse noodle mixture well with cold water. Drain again.

4. . Combine oil and next 6 ingredients in a large bowl. Add noodle
mixture, cabbage, onions, and carrots; toss gently to combine.

5. Serve half the noodles in a bowl and sprinkle with coriander, if
desired. Refrigerate the remaining portion for a future meal.
Note: Soba noodles are made from buckwheat, a wheat-free grain (look for packages that specify gluten-free), and they cook in only 3 minutes. Look for them in the international aisle.
makes 2 / 320 calories per serve