we take sustainability seriously
by team nuut

nuut is complete nutrition made easy.
100% nourishment derived from best-in-class wholefoods, nuut is insanely delicious, nourishing, satisfying and most importantly, formulated with sustainability in mind… how you ask?
To combat growing global issues around food packaging waste and because most food grade sachets end up as landfill, nuut uses a super-clever circular packaging recycling scheme.
Not only is it kind to the planet, it makes daily recycling simple for you. So it’s pro-planet and pro-you too.
here's how it works (in a nuut-shell)
When you have finished your nuuts, send your empty sachets back to us in the envelope supplied, and our team will take care of the recycling process for you. Once we have accrued enough empty sachets, we will turn them into cool stuff like outdoor and kids’ furniture.
The livestock sector that includes cows, pigs and chickens, generates as much greenhouse gas emissions as cars, trucks and automobiles combined. When we switch to a plant-based diet, there is less water, carbon and land use, a decrease in pollution, slower deforestation and a reduction in the destruction of topsoil. So when we eat plant-based, we are looking after our planet effectively ensuring it’s in tip-top shape for future nuuters to come.
Amazingly, nuut plant-based powders have an 18 month-long shelf life so they can be stowed in your pantry longer, which means much less food waste.
The result? A premium (and super delicious) wholefood powder that helps reduce direct and indirect threats to earth’s health and habitability for human beings, flora and fauna.
composting for dummies
Caris, our logistics and customer service manager, is our resident composting queen. Here she tells us how she takes care of the planet - one compost bin at a time.
“If you have space for your own compost bin at home, do invest in one. It provides a convenient way to dispose of plant scraps while providing compost for your garden. Make sure to roughly chop and rip contents before putting them in the compost bin to help them break down super-fast.”
Kitchen top compost bins don’t have to be ugly. There are plenty of stylish options to choose from. Here’s the one I use at home.
Aside from the usual plant-based scraps, some items I like to add to my home compost include:
- Egg shells (crushed-up)
- Pet fur
- Vacuum cleaner waste
- Non-glossy paper like newspaper, shredded computer paper, kraft paper, used tissues and paper towel
- Loose tea leaves and coffee grounds (but not the bags and filters as they often contain nylon)
- Lawn clippings, prunings cut into small pieces, and leaves (unless treated with toxic pesticides)
Here are the items to avoid for your home compost. But don’t worry, they can go in council/ industrial compost:
- Meat
- Pet waste
- Pizza boxes or any other oil stained carboard or paper, compostable food containers
- Kitty litter
- Dairy
- Pasta, rice and bread leftovers
Finally, here are some things you might think are compostable but are actually headed for landfill:
- Oil and fat leftovers from cooking
- Lint from the washing machine or dryer (as synthetic fabrics contain plastic)
- Diseased plants or weeds with seeds
- Glossy paper, like magazines
- Chemically-treated wood shavings or sawdust
- Fireplace ash
- Clothing scraps– they may contain plastic fibres or chemicals from the dye